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Czysty Complien warrior
Czysty on one of the ruined planets, plasma cannon and energy hand heated for combat
 General Information
Full Name Czysty
Pronunciation chiz-the
Species Cyborg, ???
Gender Rock n' Roll Destruction Derby Arena
 Personal Information
Current Location Male
Date of Birth unknown
Status Alive
Relatives Zgrabny (wife) Oczyścić (mother) Przeczyścić (father)
Allies Vultramus
Enemies The people he goes up against in the Rock n' Roll Destruction Derby Arena

Czysty is a Robot-type Complien cyborg of an unknown base species. He was an ally of Vultramus before Vultramus left the Mogurian army. He now resides in Yuankts as a Rock n' Roll Destruction Derby Arena daredevil.


He looks like a green Personoid with two ungulate legs with four large claws on each foot and shinguards on each shin, two thick arms with pale green gauntlets, one normal green hand holding a plasma cannon and one glowing blue hand made of electricity with three claws on each hand, a brown face with neon green eyes and a gas mask with horns branching from it, with a glowing display with pipes connected into the neck, and a metal hexagon-shaped machine on his chest with pistons, a glowing core, and two tusk-like pipes running into his mask. Czysty is made of a thick corrosive sludge that is always compressed into a very hard crust by the machine. When the crust is broken, it turns back into sludge and flows onto the attacker, at which point Czysty can attach it back to himself to form a new layer of crust.


Czysty is a cyborg made by the Mogurians as a lieutenant to Vultramus, along with Plama. He is very emotional and will always act only on hunches that he has. In the past, he and Plama were both Vultramus's advisors. Plama acted as the logical brain of the group, while Czysty was the emotional one who relied on his gut, and Vultramus was the person who could bring them together to go through the best course of action. Presently, Czysty lives in Nrance, having felt like Vultramus's plans weren't going to go anywhere, became a professional dardevil at the Rock n' Roll Destruction Derby Arena in Yuankts, where he drives monster trucks and plays wild music, and is a favorite with rowdy teenagers that want to rebel against their parents.


  • Despite being so emotional, Czysty is a fan of chess and other strategic games. Instead of looking at the board, Czysty looks at his opponent's face, and tries to guess what their move will be next based on how well he can read them.
  • He has enough mass to recreate his original hand. A hand made of energy is just much cooler, and is better for combat, and if he ever needs a non-energy hand, he can turn it off and form a normal one.