Complien hexagon
See an up-to-date version of this article on the Compliverse Wiki at Dustich.
Art and info by CompliensCreator00
 General Information
Scientific Name bromus swiipell
Common Name Dustich
Pronunciation DUSS-tich
Class unknown
Family bromus
Counterparts unknown
Locations Freaky Forest
List Number unknown
Generation 6
Rarity Rare
 Complien Information
Elements unknown
Gender Female
Status Alive
Sapience 0.9
Instinct unknown
Grows into unknown
Grows from unknown
Alternate forms of Growth unknown

Dustich is the Broomstick Complien. It is an Earth and Magic-type Complien. It evolves into Sandwitch.


Dustich is a broomstick-like Complien, with a straw head that is tied at the top, has two eyes, a mouth, and rosy pink cheeks. It has a pink dress, and a purple coat with light yellow highlights.


It is rumored that during the Middle Ages of Complanet, this species of Complien was hired to clean the dust off of houses, allowing more upper-class Compliens to study, in an attempt to get the planet out of its Medieval period. However, with all the dust Dustiches collect, overnight, Dustiches would group together, and study magic spells it could utilize the dust to attack with. While Dustiches were seen as fairly weak Compliens during said time, the dust could help blind powerful Compliens with good eyesight that may be attacking, such as Zogigoz, and thus, Dustiches would often provide a starting force in most armies. As they studied more, they learned more and more complex spells and became more powerful. Many elite Dustiches would explore Complanet, and some returned in the evolved form of Sandwitch. Since then, Dustiches have become an elite part of many Complien teams, and are often handed to beginners in the field of battling.


DustichDustich → File:Sandwitch.pngSandwitch


  • Its name is derived from "dust" and "witch".