Complien hexagon
See an up-to-date version of this article on the Compliverse Wiki at Liswar.
Liswar, what is it good for

Three bars of liswar.

Liswar is a very uncommon gray metal similar to gordtal, but made up of liquid cytamo instead of the gaseous kind. It is not usually found in nature.


Liswar is created the same way gordtal is, through intense heat and pressure on rock, metal, and cytamo. Instead of gaseous cytamo, liswar requires liquid cytamo. Liquid cytamo can only be created with incredibly low temperatures, so only comets, asteroids, and other space debris containing cytamo will work. However, the nature of space landings means the cytamo will burn up or otherwise be destroyed on landing. This means that only cytamo-containing asteroids and the like that collect enough matter to become a planet will have natural liswar.

Normal gordtal is barely affected by spells, but liswar is completely resistant to them because it actually repels complixonox. For reasons unknown, liswar projects a small field around each of its molecules that forces complixonox away, including complixonox-containing substances like normal creature flesh. This makes it bad as armor, as well as its heavy weight.


  • Prolonged contact to liswar causes itching and rashes, which might have been why the Legendary Hero didn't use it as armor. (that and it wasn't discovered yet.)