Complien hexagon
See an up-to-date version of this article on the Compliverse Wiki at Sankharis.
Created by FPF
 General Information
Scientific Name cariasil noposant armaliff
Common Name Sankharis
Pronunciation /saŋːkəˈrɪs/
Class Cariasil
Family Noposant
Counterparts unknown
Locations unknown
List Number unknown
Generation 6
Rarity Rare
 Complien Information
Elements unknown
Gender Male
Status Alive
Sapience Fully-Sapient
Instinct Christmas Spirit or Naughty Little Child
Grows into unknown
Grows from unknown
Alternate forms of Growth unknown

Sankharis is a Complien based on Santa Claus.


Sankharis is a plump icy-blue figure wearing a Santa Costume, but with a few minor changes such as spikier ends and an addition to fluffy white shoulder pads. His eyebrows are more crooked and his eyes are now closed. He is still carrying the brown bag.

Sankharis' beard is also spikier and longer.


Sankharises are very rare in nature, and only a few Niksaynts get to evolve into these. Each Sankharis has a pure heart, and his main purpose is to make young creatures happy. Sankharises are too heavy to levitate themselves around and prefer walking on the ground, but they can still teleport and still snap their fingers to cast Spells

When you provoke them, they are a huge force to be reckoned with, as they are very powerful, especially physically. However, it is hard to provoke them as they do not like to battle, and are pacifists by nature.

Humans are surprised of the existence of this Complien, because of their similarity to a figure in human mythology, Santa Claus. They also have brought their "Christmas" traditions to the Complien Universe, including christmas trees, baubles, giving presents, setting up milk and cookies for "Santa", and the belief that "Santa" comes down the chimney. But since Sankharis has the ability to teleport, they have no need to do so. They do, however, like cookies and milk.


Elvegno ElvegnoNiksaynt NiksayntSankharis Sankharis

Sankharis Sankharis → Krampuest




Some insights into Sankharis' origin.


Sankharis is a mix of the words, Santa Claus, Saccharine, Kris Kringle and Charisma.


Sankharis resembles Santa Claus.

